A good friend of mine recently moved out to Boulder, Colorado for a better job in a better economy. He was making decent money working in Accounting/Finance here in Michigan, but without any health insurance benefits. He would wait weeks or months here after sending out dozens of resumes for a measly one or two interviews.
In just one week out in Boulder he has had multiple interviews in just ONE day. It's no wonder states like Wyoming are recruiting for jobs here in Michigan. When your state's economy ranks 49th out of the 50 states every other state's job market looks promising.
Neither Granholm nor DeVos has come out with a definitive fact-based plan for job creation here in Michigan. Neither candidate has come up with a feasible health care plan. Neither candidate has much of an idea on what it will take to improve the results of our education system.
Does either candidate deserve our vote?
I was ticked off about our state's economic woes long before my good friend finally gave up on trying to make things work in Michigan. The biggest deciding factor in where he moved to was not the job market, it was the weather climate. It came down to Texas heat or the moderate climate of Boulder.
In case you were in denial about the state's economy – just how bad is our economy when people don't care where they move to as long as they move out of Michigan.
It didn't matter where he ended up as far as he was concerned. He knew getting a job somewhere else would be relatively easy compared to Michigan.
Our State is Broke - Will Somebody Please Fix it?!?
The election is two weeks from today. It might as well be two years from today. We have a long road to economic recovery before us. The question is, how many more wrong turns can we afford to take?