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Gourmet Michigan products in unique gift baskets. Great tasting jams, dried cherries, chocolates, caramel corn, Michigan fudge, and much more.

All Things Michigan

Michigan travels, events, photos, and more

10 Fantastic Bakeries to Get Your Paczki in Michigan This Year

Andrew Norton

Fat Tuesday (or as we Michiganders like to call it - Paczki Day) is coming on March 4, 2025, and paczki are appearing in local grocery stores. While those grocery store paczki will satisfy your basic craving, I thought I would curate a list of the 10 Best Bakeries in Michigan serving up those deliciously filled pastries. This list is especially great if you have never had a traditional paczki.

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Shop in person at our Pop-Up Shop December 16th

Order Emails

Our normally online-only business is hosting a Pop-Up Shop for a special in-person shopping experience on December 16th from 10am to 2pm.

Our Pop-Up Shop will be located in the front of the former Clewell Motors building at 1280 S. Washington Street, Constantine, MI 49042.

We will have all sorts of Michigan-made items from our Gift Baskets and Gift Boxes to items as small as magnets and ornaments. Here are some pictures of what we will have available.

One of the coolest parts of the Pop-Up Shop is the ability to build your own gift box. Grab one of our empty boxes, pick out a lid from our available selection and fill it with all of the fun and tasty Michigan-made treats in stock. Bring it to the checkout and we will tally it up for you.

We are set up to accept cash, cards, and Venmo.

Map Location for our Pop-Up Shop - look for the red white and blue Clewell Motors sign!


December 16th Pop-Up Shop!

50 Fun Things to do in Michigan this Fall

Andrew Norton

I’m continuing my ‘Top 50’ lists for each season in Michigan. Fall is just about my favorite season. Cooler weather, fewer bugs, and the beautiful show our trees put on are just a few of the reasons.

Fall officially starts September 23, but the decorations and plethora of pumpkin spice everything in the stores would beg otherwise. Here we go, my list of 50 Things to do in Michigan this Fall.

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