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Out with the blue (license plates) and in with the new

Andrew Norton

The new standard license plate for Michigan drivers became effective on January 1, 2007. This new standard plate replaces the familiar old blue plate with white lettering. Now the background is white and the lettering is blue in order to make it easier for law enforcement to see your plate number. According to the Secretary of State's website the new plate is -

Clean in design, rust-resistant, tamper-proof and easily identifiable.

Does this mean that the state admittedly sold us license plates that were not rust-resistant or tamper-proof before this new plate became available? ;) I think my first-ever blue plate can attest to the fact that they were not rust-resistant.

So, when it is time for you to renew your plates this year you will have the option of the new standard plate (at no charge) or the other "special plate" (aka extra revenue makers for Michigan) - Spectacular Peninsulas for $5. The other special cause fundraising plates are still available at $35 a pop.

For those wondering what to do with your old blue plates -

I will pay the postage for you to send them my way. Old license plates make great projects for crafty individuals like myself. Drop me a line in the comments for this post if you want to get rid of your old plate. I would rather recycle them than have them get tossed in the trash.

Seriously, I really want your old license plates. :)