I still think that Michigan is Amazing
Andrew Norton
MichiganIsAmazing.com shuttered their virtual doors on January 31, 2008. While not one of my daily visits (I caught up with the site once a week or so) it was an interesting site that tried to get Michigan residents to use stories, photos, and comments to tell their version of why Michigan is amazing. It's too bad that they are no longer around. I am not sure why they have closed the site or if this was all a planned publicity effort by Michigan's tourism promotion folks.
Now, the main page points you to a handful of sites with one of them being Pure Michigan Experiences which is run by the state through Michigan.org. This looks to be similar to what MichiganIsAmazing.com offered as far as user submitted content.
There is something about personal recommendations that I just can't resist. I love reading what other people think of different places in Michigan that I, too, have been able to visit.
Anyway, I still think that Michigan Is Amazing and I'll keep plugging along trying to convince others the same thing via this blog and our Michigan gift baskets.
Have a Great Day!