Dam Problems Courtesy of Busy Beavers
Andrew Norton
Calhoun County has been fighting an expensive battle against the local beaver population. Recent years have seen the number of dams increase and raise water levels to destructive heights. The higher water has swamped over roadways and attempts to tear down the dams are only temporary. After the big equipment and work crews have left, the beavers get together their own work crews and work on repairing their damaged dams. The hope is that the county can manage the natural habitat and maintain their infrastructure. It is comical to me to see people try and "manage" nature and natural habitats. You can't "manage" nature any more than you can "manage" the weather.
This just reminds me of Bill Murray's fight against the gophers in Caddyshack. Good luck, Calhoun County. I think the beavers will build dams if you do, and dams if you don't. ;)