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The Tiger Stadium saga continues

Andrew Norton

Embattled Detroit Mayor, Kwame Kilpatrick has given a stay of execution of sorts for the eventual demolition of Tiger Stadium. The original June 1 deadline has obviously passed and the Mayor has given The Old Tiger Stadium Conservancy (of which broadcasting legend Ernie Harwell is a board member) until August 1 to come up with the $15 million necessary to preserve the home plate corner of, well, The Corner (Tiger Stadium, that is :) ). The Detroit Free Press quoted Kilpatrick as saying, "History deserves a chance" and it just might be a possibility that the mayor is hoping this helps his chances as well in the form of goodwill and keeping himself in office. But, that is a different and extremely long story.

Demolition of the parts of the stadium not designated as being saved by the Conservancy will begin shortly. If you're looking for any last photos of the old stadium before it is torn down you'd better head on down to Michigan and Trumbull asap.

I'm surprised as anyone that Tiger Stadium is still standing. It's demolition has been given extension after extension with one thing remaining constant - no group, club, or other well-meaning organization has been able to raise the funds necessary for preservation of any sort.

Do I love Tiger Stadium and it's history?

You bet, look at the page I created about it - Tiger Stadium.

The one thing I am longing for is some closure on this whole deal. The final game played at Tiger Stadium (by the Detroit Tigers anyway) was September 27, 1999 and for nearly nine years the residents and businesses around the stadium have had a front row seat to this Grand Cathedral's slow and steady slip into an eyesore.

Read my previous posts on Tiger Stadium