When do you put up your outdoor Christmas lights?
Andrew Norton
Now that Halloween is behind us my thoughts turn to other things. Raking leaves, cleaning the gutters, and wondering just how cold it will be this year when I put up our Christmas lights. It's a tradition in our house to put up the Christmas lights over the long Thanksgiving weekend. Out of all the years we have lived at this house there was only one year that I would say was truly warm. All the other times it is finger-numbing cold - literally. I periodically wrap my frozen fingers around a hot cup of coffee or mug of cocoa to thaw them out and get back up on the ladder.
I don't want to sound like I don't enjoy putting up the Christmas lights because I really do. I get a bonfire going and we burn up the trunk from last year's Christmas tree (don't try this if you use an artificial tree ;) ) and make some s'mores while sipping hot cocoa. It makes for a fun afternoon.
Anyway, this got me wondering when everyone else puts up their Christmas lights so I set up a poll to find out. Feel free to leave comments at this post for any special traditions you have with putting up the lights.
One big change for this year is that I have finally upgraded all of my outdoor lights to LED Christmas lights. These LED lights will probably pay for themselves in a couple of years and the prices have come way down since they first hit the shelves.
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