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Remember Memorial Day

Andrew Norton

Memorial Day is a day to remember those who have fallen fighting for our country. You don't have to agree with the war or the president, but you should pay your respects to those willing to serve in our Armed Forces. Last year I wrote a post following Memorial Day with the title, Did You Remember Memorial Day?.

I feel the theme of that post is of enough value to merit it's annual inclusion at this blog. This time I am posting it before Memorial Day. Read it below.

In the midst of all the cookouts, car races, and sporting events over the weekend did you remember why we celebrate Memorial Day? It is what I like to call, an unfortunate holiday. Wouldn’t it be far better to not have fallen soldiers to remember?

This world does not afford us the luxury of avoiding conflicts and wars. Therefore, we must remember why we celebrate Memorial Day. Lately, it seems, Memorial Day has been presented as more of the kickoff to summer instead of a solemn day of remembering those who gave their lives for our nation’s freedom.

Did you wave to the veterans in a Memorial Day parade yesterday? When the flag went by did you stand, remove your hat, and despite the heat still feel goosebumps?

Watch a parade on Monday. Stand up as the flag is carried past and clap for the veterans that have served our country proudly. Visit a cemetery and squint at the sunlight sharply reflecting off of the hundreds of American Flags waving in the soft breeze over the graves of veterans.

Remember Memorial Day.