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Gourmet Michigan products in unique gift baskets. Great tasting jams, dried cherries, Sanders chocolates, caramel corn, Michigan fudge, and much more.

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Order by December 16th to ensure a Christmas delivery

Andrew Norton

I'm taking a quick break from handling orders, phone calls, and shipping out a plethora (I just love that word) of gift baskets to make a quick announcement. A lot of folks worry about their orders being delivered in time for Christmas (I don't blame them not wanting their gifts to be late) so I wanted to make it super simple for our awesome customers. If you order your (in stock) gift basket or gift box by December 16th - I guarantee we will ship it in time for a Christmas delivery.

Many of you are taking advantage of our option during the online checkout process to have us hold your order for shipment on December 17th so it will arrive a bit closer to Christmas. This is a great option to choose because nearly every year I have an unfortunate customer wait to place their order closer to Christmas so it won't be delivered too soon only to find that the gift basket they had wanted to purchase was no longer in stock. Don't let that happen to you - order today and choose the option for us to hold it for shipment on December 17th.