I was in the mood for an iced coffee today, but I wanted something different than the same old, same old, ya know? I checked on our coffee bean supplies and we still had some wonderful Manitou Blueberry from Leelaunau Coffee. I poked around a bit in our freezer and found some frozen Michigan blueberries. It didn't take me long and I had a pretty sweet idea percolating :).
So, here's what I did to make a super delicious Chocolate Covered Blueberry Iced Coffee Smoothie:
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We picked a bushel of apples yesterday at Hubbard's Corey Lake Orchards. It was a gorgeous day and the slight breeze wafted the fresh smell of grapes growing next to the apple trees. If you have never smelled rows and rows of ripening grapes you won't really know what I am talking about. It's this intoxicating fragrant pure grape smell - sorry best I can do to describe something you smell ;).
Anyway, I digress. This post is about an apple sauce recipe I just came up with in the kitchen this morning. With all of those apples (and the opportunity to pick a bunch more) we wanted to make up large batches of apple sauce and store them in the freezer in quart-size bags for easier storage (and defrosting). Rather than stand over a pot of sliced apples and stirring them occasionally I decided to come up with a crockpot recipe for apple sauce.
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