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Gourmet Michigan products in unique gift baskets. Great tasting jams, dried cherries, Sanders chocolates, caramel corn, Michigan fudge, and much more.

All Things Michigan

Michigan travels, events, photos, and more

Follow me on Twitter for extra updates

Andrew Norton

Well, you're probably asking yourself, "What is twitter and why should I follow you?" Twitter is like a blog only instead of unlimited characters (you know, letters, spaces and numbers ;) ) you are limited to 140 characters. It's been described as micro-blogging. I've been using it for brief updates on uploaded photos to the All Things Michigan photostream at, new gift baskets, Squidoo pages, Michigan travel locales/deals, and many other "brief" items. Sometimes it is just to shout out that there is a new blog post here at All Things Michigan for those of you that have not subscribed.

So, if you're interested feel free to - Follow me on Twitter.