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Gourmet Michigan products in unique gift baskets. Great tasting jams, dried cherries, chocolates, caramel corn, Michigan fudge, and much more.

Tastes of Michigan

Our Gift Baskets

Great selection of Michigan products in our entire line of Michigan gift baskets.

Tastes of Michigan


Tastes of Michigan


Let your taste buds travel across Michigan and use the Michigan crate as a great conversation piece after you have emptied it of its goodies.

Only 5 left in stock
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  • 5 oz. bag of Caramel popcorn from Kalamazoo Kettlecorn

  • 4.25 oz. bag of Chunk Nibbles original sweet and salty snack mix from Troy

  • 1/2 lb. bag of Michi-Gummies from Shurms in Oakland Township

  • 1/2 lb. Chocolate Fudge from Murdick’s Fudge in Suttons Bay

  • 1/2 lb. dried cherries from Traverse Bay Farms in Traverse City

  • 4 oz. Dave’s Milk Chocolate Sweet Tooth Toffee made in Harrison Township

This Michigan crate is made right here in our wood shop. The Michigan crate's approximate dimensions are - 10.5 inches in length, 6 inches wide, and 9 inches tall.