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Edmund Fitzgerald sank 35 years ago today

Andrew Norton

The Edmund Fitzgerald sank November 10, 1975 taking the lives of all 29 crew members on board. It's hard to believe that 35 years have passed since this tragedy and I'm sure it's even hard for the friends and family of the 29 men who died. Here is a roundup of Edmund Fitzgerald posts I have made over the years -

Remembering the 29 men who perished when the Edmund Fitzgerald sank on Nov. 10, 1975

Lyrics to Gordon Lightfoot’s ‘The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald’

Beautiful video tribute to the 29 crewmen of the Edmund Fitzgerald

SS Edmund Fitzgerald – LEGO model

Perfect Storm Caused Fitzgerald to Sink

October 14th - A Memorable Day in Detroit Tigers History

Andrew Norton

Today, October 14th, is a date which lives in Detroit Tigers infamy. Three significant events occurred on this date for the Detroit Tigers. October 14, 1908

The Detroit Tigers lost to the Chicago Cubs 2-0 in the deciding game five of the 1908 World Series. This would be the last time that the Cubs would win the World Series (as of 2010, anyway). The game attendance of 6,210 at Bennett Park ranks as the lowest ever for a World Series game. With the Cubs' 1907-08 World Series championships, they became baseball's first dynasty.

October 14, 1984

The Tigers were leading the 1984 World Series 3 games to 1 over the San Diego Padres. Interestingly enough, the Cubs could have had a World Series rematch against the Tigers, but they collapsed after a 2-0 NLCS lead over the Padres.

The Tigers held a 5-4 lead going into the bottom of the 8th in Game Five of the World Series. Kirk Gibson came to the plate with runners on second and third and Goose Gossage on the mound - an intentional walk would have been in order. After all, Gibson had already belted a home run in the first inning to give the Tigers the early 3-0 lead.

However, Gibson was 1 for 10 against Gossage during his career up to that point and Gossage told his manager, Dick Williams, that he could strike out Gibson. The count was 1-0 and Tigers manager, Sparky Anderson, yelled from the dugout, "He don't want to walk you!" and gave the motion for swing away. Gibson ripped a 1-0 fastball into the upper deck in right field for a three run home run and pretty much assured the Tigers faithful that the Detroit Tigers would be the 1984 World Series Champions.

October 14, 2006

The Detroit Tigers were one win away from sweeping the Oakland A's and going on to the World Series. Game four of the 2006 ALCS was a back and forth affair and the Tigers had to claw their way back from a 3-0 deficit. In the bottom of the 9th the score was tied 3-3.

With two outs in the bottom of the 9th, Craig Monroe and Placido Polanco each hit singles. Magglio Ordonez came up to the plate with two on and two outs. On a 1-0 count Magglio absolutely crushed Huston Street's fastball into the left field stands for a three run walk off home run to send the Tigers to the 2006 World Series.

I just about cried watching Magglio circle the bases with his fist in the air, the pure joy of Craig Monroe waving both arms over his head, and Placido Polanco happily skipping all the way to home plate. Man, what a moment. Even today I get goosebumps just watching the replay.

Video of 1924 concept snow vehicle using Fordson tractor

Andrew Norton

My dad sent me this in an email last week, but I have to give credit to for posting this excellent footage at Vimeo. If you want to find all kinds of unique historic information and other assorted goodies about Michigan, check it out. This 1924 video showcases the Armstead Snow Motors concept vehicle utilizing both a Fordson tractor and a Chevrolet automobile. I like the rugged utility of the Fordson tractor mashup. I could have a lot of fun with one of those. I can't believe they never went into mass production. You would have thought the military could have made use of them in the winter campaign of 1944-45 in World War II, but perhaps politics and pettiness kept that from happening.

Armstead Snow Motors from Seeking Michigan on Vimeo.

Photo Credit:

Beautiful video tribute to the 29 crewmen of the Edmund Fitzgerald

Andrew Norton

edmund-fitzgerald 34 years ago today during the evening of November 10, 1975 the Edmund Fitzgerald sank during a storm on Lake Superior taking the lives of all 29 crewmen. This video tribute is hauntingly beautiful. I feel so bad for the families that lost loved ones 34 years ago today. The music featured in the video is, of course, Gordon Lightfoot's The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald.

Don't forget that you can watch the annual service from River Rouge online tonight from 6pm until 8pm. There is a school program online from 1:30 until 3pm as well.

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Detroit Tigers 1984 World Series Champs are being honored tonight

Andrew Norton

I simply cannot believe it has been 25 years since the Tigers last World Series Championship. In some ways (with all those horrible years) it feels much longer than 25 years and in many others - it just doesn't seem possible. It was an exciting summer back in 1984. The Detroit Tigers roared out of the gate to a record 35-5 record after 40 games on their way to their first title since 1968. There will be a special ceremony before tonight's game honoring the World Series Champs. Gates will open early at 5pm with special photo opportunities from 5:10pm to 6:10pm. Some of the 1984 Tigers to appear at the game are: Sparky Anderson, Alan Trammell, Guillermo Hernandez, Kirk Gibson, Darrell Evans, Jack Morris and Lance Parrish and many others. You can watch highlights from that magical season at

They were in first place all year, or Wire to Wire as they like to say. Wire To Wire is also the title of a decent (it's not real in-depth, but it brings back a lot of fond memories) book on the 1984 club written by George Cantor. If you want an in-depth look into that magical 1984 season, read "Bless You Boys: Diary of the Detroit Tigers' 1984 Season" by Sparky Anderson.

Speaking of the Bless You Boys (the moniker bestowed upon them by former Detroit sportscaster Al Ackerman) here's the classic 'Bless You Boys' video montage from WDIV:

The 1984 Detroit Tigers Roster: Pitchers: Glenn Abbot Doug Bair Juan Berenguer Willie Hernandez Aurelio Lopez Roger Mason Sid Monge Jack Morris Randy O'Neal Dan Petry Dave Rozema Bill Sherrer Milt Wilcox Carl Willis

Catchers: Marty Castillo Dwight Lowry Lance Parrish

Infielders: Doug Baker Dave Bergman Tom Brookens Scott Earl Barbaro Garbey Howard Johnson Mike Laga Alan Trammell Lou Whitaker

Outfielders: Kirk Gibson Johnny Grubb Larry Herndon Ruppert Jones Rusty Kuntz Chet Lemon Nelson Simmons

Other: Rod Allen Darrell Evans

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Talkin' Baseball - Detroit Tigers Style -

Grab your ticket for tonight at and celebrate the 1984 World Series Champion Detroit Tigers.

Detroit Tigers to pay tribute to broadcast legend, Ernie Harwell

Andrew Norton

The hottest ticket in town (heck, even the state) tonight will be for the Detroit Tigers and Kansas City Royals game at 7:05pm. Not so much for the teams (even though Detroit is in the midst of a division race) either. Longtime Tigers radio broadcaster and Baseball Hall Of Fame legend Ernie Harwell is to be honored by the team tonight. Ernie Harwell recently revealed that he has incurable cancer and there has been an outpouring of love and support from fans both young and old. I think it's great (and long overdue) for the Tigers to pay tribute to a real gentleman. Emotions will be running high in the ballpark tonight.

Ernie Harwell Tribute Video with a smattering of his legendary signature calls as well as his final sign-off from 2002: